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The finesse of the micro bubbling under pressure allows to trap and concentrate the particles in a cloud of bubbles and then to remove them in the form of foam.
Thanks to the micro bubbling system, Innopure is able to perform sub-micronic filtration in order to remove bacteria such as E.coli, suspended solids or organic matter.
This filtration is carried out within a 24-hour cycle as opposed to 48 hours.
Innopure allows the purification certification to be obtained in 24h.
Innopure technology consumes very little energy (on average 1.5 watt per hour). The performance of the filtration system allows to keep the water in closed circuit for a long time. Result: a significant reduction in the cost of water and electricity.
> Conservation of water volumes over long periods of time
> Reducing electrical energy costs
> Reducing costs related to water
> Increasing productivity and profitability
An artificial storage basin is only functional if several parameters are met. Among them, oxygenation is fundamental. This function is ensured by the SKIM and it stems directly from the microbubble under pressure bringing an optimal dissolution of the oxygen in the water.
This is the main function performed by the SKIM. The efficiency of the system is the result of a water-air exchange by the creation of a micro bubbling under pressure system with a sub-micronic filtration. Thus, all the suspended matter, up to the microorganisms (bacteria ...) are trapped in the extracted foam (resulting from the Innopure process). The SKIM offers a treatment flow rate of 100m3/hour. It is capable of treating 7.5 tons of shellfish in 24 hours by itself.
To obtain effective purification, it is essential to treat the entire volume of water contained in the basin. For this purpose, a strong current is used to re-suspend the sedimented material so as to direct it towards the treatment system (followed by the removal). Thanks to its geometry (suction and discharge oriented at 45°), the SKIM ensures this function
perfectly. In some instances, we increase the current flow rate by installing a back-up water circulator.
The SKIM is characterized by its ease of maintenance. Indeed, since there are no filters, the maintenance is limited to the cleaning of the foam recovery cup and plexiglas cone. A water supply directly connected to the cone is sufficient to keep the SKIM in perfect working order. No filter clogging is possible on the SKIM.
A product holding pond is only viable if a number of parameters are met. Like the SKIM, the PROTOS oxygenates the holding pond and the products (INNOPURE® process). Thanks to its dual gravity return (Ø90), the PROTOS disperses the treated and oxygenated water.
Working on the same principle as the SKIM, this is the primary function performed by the PROTOS. All suspended matter – down to micro-organisms (bacteria etc.) – is trapped by the micro-bub-bles (the result of the INNOPURE® process) generated by the water-air exchange. The PROTOS is now establishing itself on the market as an alternative for smaller businesses without the space for the SKIM.
Positioned outside the pond, the PROTOS is not directly submer-ged and offers the possibility of connecting the treatment system to multiple ponds by means of an adapted hydraulic circuit.
Like the SKIM, the ECOMIX oxygenates the holding pond and the products. Thanks to its gravity return, the ECOMIX provides a means of dispersing the dissolved oxygen.
Also featuring micro-bubble technology, the function of the ECOMIX is to remove all suspended matter, down to micro-organisms (bacteria etc.). These are trapped by the micro-bubbles formed by the air-water exchange.
Widely used for rearing ponds, the ECOMIX offers the possibility of connecting up multiple ponds whilst maintaining a certain volume level.